Monday, February 22, 2010

My 4th day in Korea and the counting begins!

I have been in the land of the morning calm Korea for 4 days now and honestly I like what I see. People stares at me I guess is rare to see foreigners here. Today someone asked me if I was Indian, and I guess is an honor to pass for another ethnicity but Hey! I'm Dominican and Damn proud of it, overall is good. This past Sunday I attended a ballet presentation in which I was able to see Korean traditional dance. The colors, costumes, body gestures, and music were very enchanting, interesting and I guess with this experience my interest for this culture begins.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lectura! Reading!

So today i just got "The Prince" by Nicolas Maquiavelo. I read part of it when i was in Italy for an assignment, now is my turn to read the whole piece! I guess i can read it in the 17 hours of flight that i have ahead of me from NY to korea.

Hoy he recibido en el correo "El Arte del Poder" by Nicolas Maquiavelo. Habia leido parte del libro para una assignacion que tuve en Italia. Creo que podre leerlo en las 17 horas de vuelo que tendre de NY a Korea.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Traveling around the World......Viajando por el mundo

This year i have started a different path in my life! I'm traveling more and learning a lot about myself, this is my new Journey and i love every minute of it!

In Italy i learned that i love coffee! gosh what was i drinking all these 23 years of my life, coffee is Great!!!!!
I can't wait to go to Korea! Visiting The land of the morning calm has being a dream of mine for a long time and in two weeks that dream will become true this blog is to express my feelings and experiences that i will encounter in korea! yay!!!!

Este ano e comenzado una nueva trayectoria en mi vida! Estoy viajando mas y conociendome a mi misma! Este es un nuevo sendero mi nueva trayectoria estoy disfrutandola al maximo!

En Italia me di cuenta de lo que me gusta el caffee creo que tomando un expresso diario desperto mi amor por el caffee, la verdad no me explico como no me habia dado cuenta de lo bueno que es anteriormente.

Visitare korea muy pronto en dos semanas estare alla. Ir a korea ha sido un sueno que he tenido por mucho tiempo y es un sueno que en cuestion de dias se convertira en realidad. Este blog es para expresar mis sentimientos y experiencias que enfrentare en Korea! siii!

Stay with me and my new Journey! :)
Permanescan conmigo y mis nuevas Rutas! :)